Financial Wellness
It's too easy to swipe and get carried away. Carrying cash can help you stick to your spending budget.
​This should be 20% of your total budget.
​Carrying cash helps you think through some of your purchases. With $20 left, is that caramel latte really worth the $4.95?​

How much are you putting away for your Rainy Day Fund, General Savings and/or Retirement Fund?
This should be 20% of your total budget.
Automatic transfers on payday to your savings account can help you stay honest and on track to meeting your goals. Having that savings account at a different bank can also help avoid impulse transfers.

One way to build your wealth and start developing generational wealth is by investing.
​This should be 10% of your total budget.
​Besides investing in yourself, which should always be on the list of priorities think of stocks & equities, bonds, real estate, and collectibles, to just name a few. Develop a firm budget, do your research, and take a chance.

Often we stick to our budget and saving plan and it all goes out the window during the holidays.
One way to stay on track is to make your shopping list early with the specific items you would like to purchase. Then create a firm budget and begin purchasing items a few at a time, before the holiday craze.
Another way is to buy a $50 or $100 gift card a month and put them away until you start holiday shopping. Then use them to purchase gifts or simply give as a gift.

Make sure to check out our events page for future educational events on financial wellness!

We loved and had to share some of Bola Sokunbi, founder of Clever Girl Finance, list of favorite finance & investing books for women. Check out her full and book details!
Clever Girl Finance: Ditch Debt, Save Money, and Build Real Wealth
Live It, Love It, Earn It: A Woman's Guide To Financial Freedom
Women & Money: Owning The Power To Control Your Destiny
Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By And Get Your Financial Life Together
The $1000 Project: An Easy Guide To Mindful Saving And Financial Well Being
Clever Girl Finance: Learning How Investing Works, Grow Your Money
The Women's Guide to Successful Investing: Achieving Financial Security and Realizing Your Goals
The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing
Smart Investors Keep It Simple: Investing In Dividend Stocks For Passive Income